Sunday, February 28, 2010

Is this a WIN! or an all-time LOW?

*Click it to see the Big 'Un*

Leave your vote in the comments.......but, do you find it weird that Springsteen is NUMBER ONE?

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Continuing Insanity from Leftist Idiots.

There exists one very simple statement that liberals can never admit. Contradictions CANNOT exist in reality. Sorry, this means that if "A" is true, and it directly disproves "B," then "B" cannot be true. Two conflicting things cannot both be true.

To normal people, this makes sense. To a liberal mind, anything is possible, even if it totally disproves something else that allegedly remains to be true. This is why mathematics, science, and history are the absolute Kryptonite to a liberal, they offer boundaries that cannot be removed from REALITY.

Do you ever wonder why Socialists and Anarchists march TOGETHER to elect Democrats even though supposedly their ideologies are directly contradictory? Socialists want total government control of everything, anarchists want NO government, how can they be allies and vote for the same person? Well, because they are stupid.

Anyhoo, one of my liberal FAILbook friends linked a "study" performed by evolutionary psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa that stated that liberals and atheists were more intelligent than conservative religious folks. Well, DUH! Smartest President Evah! You see, liberals have no clue what intelligence even is, and they even fail to understand what liberalism is. Words have no meaning to them.

If you want to see what "liberal" means to the study, here ya' go:
The study takes the American view of liberal vs. conservative. It defines "liberal" in terms of concern for genetically nonrelated people and support for private resources that help those people.
Seriously? Since when did a single liberal want to use private resources for anything? So, maybe this leftist "scientist" made some very basic mistakes in setting up his experiment?

The very FIRST way that you can discredit this study is by saying, "You know, I think that Kanazawa mixed up his subjects in the study. Conservatives are the folks that suggest private funding for anything. Maybe he just put the data in the wrong stack. But, weakness in his collating skills might be the very least of his incompetence.

OH! That is because he has been called out for his ridiculous findings in the past. And that data is readily available for anyone that wants to check up on the left's newest hero. If you run The Google on this dude, examples ABOUND of his silly findings.

Does it shock you that an Asian atheist finds that Asian atheists are the smartest people alive? Yes, that is on his Wiki page. Also, he says that blacks are the dumbest people in the world. Funny that my friend that linked how awesomatic this dude's study is, IS BLACK, huh?

This is the new Lobelt Byld (figure that out!), folks. He might as well be a Senator from West Virginia.

So, why not go read how CNN Health is promoting racism and falsehoods? See how many things that you can find wrong with Kanazawa's stuff.

Why do y'all make me do this shit every FREAKING day?

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

As Always, Violence is Sometimes the Perfect Answer

Yeah, I am all too aware that I have a big cakehole, my entire family has told me that since the beginning of Paul time. And yes, there has hardly been a single instance where my opinion was not readily available to be had for a pittance. I shall certainly offer my thoughts on just about anything.

I can debate any topic (that I have studied) for hours on end. Yes, I have had my hat handed to me on numerous occasions, yet oddly, I have never reacted to those defeats with anything other than humility. Good sportsmanship was beaten into me at any early age. A simple, "Dammit, boy, you bested me in no uncertain terms..." is always a graceful exit.

However, there must always be rules (written or not) to those debates. There always must be intellectual honesty and you must go into debate knowing that there is always a possibility that you shall lose.

In other words, you must be a fucking gentleman.

Here's what I have noticed in the last few years. Those basic rules and mutual understanding are gone. There is no longer an air of the possibility of legitimate disagreement, the loser must be destroyed. Well, okay, I can debate according to those rules, too.

When I first blogged about the Murderous Idiots of Islam, shockingly, I got death threats. Oh, okay, I made the statement that Muslims are savages that kill anyone that disagrees with them, AAAAAND my life was threatened. H-E-L-L-O?!?!?! Irony alert!

Now, it has gotten to the point with liberal ideology, like the utterly discredited fraud of global warming, those on the left threaten violence. Okay, if that is where the debate leads, so be it. I am a man, my contact info is readily available, make it happen.

What this whole scenario boils down to is ideology. The left makes no qualms about inciting violence to get their way (Hell, they burn down their own frigging cities and neighborhoods in their efforts), but I shall not be scared into backing down, folks. I am guaranteed my rights to my own opinions, if you want to attempt to deprive me of my personal INDIVIDUAL rights, bring it. PACK A FUCKING LUNCH.

All that bullshit said, I have plenty of liberal friends. Plenty, because in the architectural field, I am in the minority. However, in our dealings with one another, we actually understand that the ideology is different but the desire for everyone to succeed is the same. Yes, my liberal friends are wrong in their opinions, but I know that their intentions are good. They ignore the fact that there is human nature to consider, there are people that shall exploit the left's naivete, and that not everyone is honest with their desires. Couple that with the FACT that not everyone has the ability in everything that everyone else has. <--that made sense to me, yo! I am not confused with those liberal fantasies. Even though I am not a part of the ridiculously wrongly named, "The Reality Based Community," I understand the true ramifications of "Progressivism" because I study history like a mad man. You see, past performance IS indicative of future results. This quote is attributed to Albert Einstein, "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." That DEFINES liberalism and "Progressivism."

Throughout the whole idiotic duration of the movement of socialism, fascism, Communism, collectivism*, those morons have always maintained that to dissolve or ignore one's own desires is the key to whirled peas**. I am beyond that insanity, whirled peas** do not exist and I know this.

So, in case you are remotely curious, threaten your violence, that's cool. But, be prepared to back it up, Homer, I grew up hard.

Please take the time to comment.

* All of these are part and parcel of the ideology of liberalism or "Progressivism."

** This means "world peace" in case you did not know.

Obligatory Saturday Evening Post

Sorry, I utterly forgot where I stole this. Remember, I suck at blogging.

In honor of the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of the Tea Parties, the Leftist idiots offer up: The Moron Shitfesting Coffee Party. This should turn out well. I applaud the douchebags on the left for coming up with such an original idea. There shall certainly be a difference in their protests, though. Wherever one of these is held, look for looting, general destruction of private property, and for the Socialists AND the Anarchists to be on the same side of the debate. Yes, lefties are too stupid to live without government assistance.

Luckily, the left IS wising up a little. Let's say they have moved from the equivalent of a IQ of 45, to one of 60. I realize that it has taken the left a full thirty-three years to realize that Al Gore is an idiot, but even THEY are now laughing at Al Gore. When lefties mock you, dude, that is some serious shit.

As far as lefties are concerned, the next thing you shall be hearing about will be the Leftist "science" that P-R-O-V-E-S that liberals and atheists are mucher morer smarterer than us troglodytes on the right. One thing that could probably BE proven is that liberals would certainly have fewer children, though. Good Lord, who the Hell would want to spawn with a "Progressive?"

If you want to discredit the "liberals are smarter" meme, you only have to look to the Chief Idiot in Charge of Liberalism. Oddly, The Smartest President Evah™ cannot even distinguish between liability and collision insurance for automobiles and uses car insurance as an anecdote at a SUMMIT! on medical services. "Liberals are Smarter Theory" disproven!

But, at least the liberals are doing away with the silliness of lying about what they want to accomplish. Instead of Cap and Trade, they are just changing the legislation to a tax increase on EVERYBODY. Of course, that was all it was originally, too.

The IMF, which the United States almost single-handedly supports, has decided that they might need a reserve currency for the possibility that the Democrats are not voted out en masse in November. The fact that every country in the world does not loudly lobby US voters against electing Democrats stuns me.

Classicaliberal had a great post up and took it down because he says he would rather get the weekday traffic. Of course, there is Maxine Waters video on his site and she is freaking HI-larious! I feel sorry for so many retarded people living in her district, though. That is the only explanation that I can come up with for her continuing to get elected.

Here's some good triceps exercise. You might not want to go on television and PROVE that you are lonely, though.

Here's a link to a GREAT BLACKUARY post! Thanks to the Mayor for helping Andy cover up for my lack of celebration.

And Christina Jade has some updates on the Republican primary race in Nebraskantuckisaw. This shit reeks of political cronyism.

Crowder on the WTC, eight and a half years later.

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Friday, February 26, 2010

It is impossible to know another's heart.

I remind myself of this daily because for the most part, I must give someone the benefit of the doubt until they screw me over. I think that is only fair. No, I do not instantaneously give someone my respect, trust, or love, they must earn those things, but that benefit of the doubt is the very least that I must offer as a value of good faith. I make all attempts to do that. Sometimes it is very hard because the initial contact might be a negative one and stereotypes get that very way for a reason.

That said, the typical moonbat leftist is a violently oppressive person. Of course, they screech that in their whiny, childlike voice about normal people, but normal people are not the ones burning down their own neighborhoods, throwing bricks through shop windows, flying planes into buildings, and bombing banks, medical research facilities, or individual's houses. Those people are always leftists on a mission from their Darwinist masters in their Castro Communism Clubs.

True, there are plenty of moonbats that simply do not have the intelligence to think past, "That puppy is purdy, he must have rights," but those people are few and far between because moonbattery goes against every initial thought that human beings have ever had. It takes hard work and many years of indoctrination to get as fucking stupid as the majority of these moonbats.

But, as that benefit of the doubt thingy crops up daily, I must assume that everyone is as intelligent as I am from the jump. That is how "benefit of the doubt" works.

Anyhoo, there comes a point where that benefit of the doubt thingy has to stop. It has to. When anyone continues to insist that the Democrats, or any leftist idiots in general, are making the right moves to bring our economy back in line, you have to come to the conclusion that either a) those anyones are retarded, or, b) those anyones are evil and must be bitch-slapped into unconsciousness.

Certainly if there is anyone in the national media that continues to say these things, you simply have to never purchase their service again. Luckily it looks like most normal people are turning away from those sources, but still those "journalists" persist in spreading the lie that Barry Obama is smart and Republicans are not.

Much like Joe Klein of The New York Times. Obviously, Klein saw a much different "healthcare" summit than the one I saw. The one that I saw showed President Obama performing in his usually clueless manner, stuttering and stammering about nothing, and generally proving beyond any doubt that he is a moron. Joe Klein saw President 35 IQ as "unflappable" and "winning the day." In other words, Klein saw the very same thing that most national media figures saw in the Dick Cheney-Joe Lieberman debates. In case you do not recall that debate, Cheney did not even get to actually flex his brain muscles and Joe went down for the count. It was not even close, it was even worse than the Reagan-Carter debate. Seriously, if it were a heavyweight prize fight, the referee would have stopped it before he gave the fighters their instructions. Cheney CLOBBERED Lieberman. The national media called it a DRAW. Which in Moronspeak means, "Holy shit! Our guy got murdered!!!"

The "healthcare" summit was the very same way. Obama rambled on aimlessly droning about nothing but the liberal fantasy points about how awesomatic his plan is. He begged everyone to ignore that he is a record-setting failure as president, YET! the election is over. Then, he promptly picked his nose on national television. Really.

Joe Klein saw this as being unflappable and winning the day! In other words, Joe Klein is CRAZY!

Normal people saw this a monumental victory for the Republicans, liberty, and the entire planet in general because Obama and his merry hoard of imbeciles were completely outsmarted and beaten back. THE. DEMOCRATS. WERE. VIOLENTLY. RAPED. On national television.

My favorite part was when Obama rolled out the overly tired bullshit line of forty some-odd million idiots without "healthcare." There should not be a single person left on Earth that does not know that this is a lie. But, let's hit that briefly anyway.

The Census Bureau says forty-five million and change UNINSURED folks are presently living in this country. Of those 45 million, ten million are HERE ILLEGALLY. That brings the number down to 35 million. Twenty-five percent of those folks ALREADY qualify for government funded medical insurance. That leaves about 26 million uninsured REALLY. Of that number, fully FORTY-FIVE percent of those will be insured within the next six months with their OWN FRIGGIN' MONEY. That leaves around 16.9 million that actually fall through the REAL CRACKS.

however, if you take every bit of the inflated numbers out and go with the forty-five million, the Senate bill that we are looking at right now, spending TRILLIONS and TRILLIONS of dollars, would NOT cover over 35 million of those people.

Grasp this FACT. The Democrat Senate, House, and President are promoting a bill that will mortgage this entire country and the next two generations to give TEN MILLION people access to free medical services.

Currently, there are 308 million people in the United States. The Democrats are proposing to spend nearly every penny for the distant future on the medical services of TEN MILLION folks. The Democrats propose that we utterly ruin our medical services and our economy FOREVER, to give right at three percent of our population some free doctoring. What part of this sounds good to anyone? ANYONE?

These are facts that are readily available on the GOVERNMENT's websites, folks. There is literally ZERO chance that the Democrats do not know these FACTS. Now, tell me why I should give a single one of them the benefit of the doubt on ANYTHING?

You cannot give me a single reason to trust a single Democrat. They have determined that they are going to force us to have a mandated federal insurance program that is going to reduce the quality of care, LIKE IT ALWAYS DOES, and they are going to BLOW TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS doing it.

These are dollars, I might add, that must come from somewhere. Since the government does not produce anything upon which they make a profit, you know, for the program to sustain itself, that money is going to come from you, THE TAXPAYER.

What happens when they realize that they underestimated the cost, LIKE THEY ALWAYS DO? Well, then they are NOT going to end the program, they are simply going to take more of your money. LIKE THEY ALREADY HAVE starting on January 1, 2010. You did notice that your check got a little smaller around that time, right?

Yes, the Democrats INCREASED your withholding taxes and Barry Obama signed off on it. Oh, I guess that you make more than 250k, right? RIGHT?

Face it, Leftists, you got HAD unless what you wanted was to be more poor and get lied to about everything.

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I Just Want to Throw My Hands Up in Disgust

It is certainly a good thing that there are NO good ideas coming from any government on Earth right now. The shock of that happening might cause me to drop dead from surprise. Why is it that the only way for anyone to get elected to any position they simply must be a simpering imbecile? Is that on the qualification form or something? Call me crazy, but it seems like being SMART would be a requirement instead of being legally brain dead.

That is certainly not the reality of the situation, is it? Can someone point me in the direction of just ONE intelligent person that holds elected office. I am begging.

Also, does anyone else find it stunning that every "news" item regarding the economy and employment degradation ALWAYS includes the word "unexpectedly?" Why, if a person admits their mistake every single time they predict something, would anyone continue to ask that WRONG person anything regarding anything? I'm sorry, I am just not seeing the logic behind even talking to anyone that is wrong one hundred percent of the time. That seems to be the same tactic as asking a homeless person how to get rich. Wouldn't you want to ask RICH people how to get rich?

Let's see.


Step One: Ask a RICH person how they got RICH.

Step Two: Do the same thing that the RICH person did to get RICH.

Step Three: Um, spend your wealth?

Doesn't this sound like a good plan? You know kinda like if you wanted to know how to win college championships, you might NOT want to talk to the head corch at Ole Miss.

But! Enter the "Progressives" for comedic relief. Seriously, they would be hugely hilarious IF they were not bankrupting the country and everyone in it with their ridiculous ideas. The truly fun part of listening to these idiots is that tell you EXACTLY what they want to do and then they are surprised when you ask why they refer to themselves as "Progressive." It really seems to me if you want to refer to yourself a certain way, like "Progressive," your ideology should promote PROGRESS. In case you were unaware, the very definition of progress suggests that the steps you are taking are required to make things BETTER, not WORSE.

Kinda like yesterday when Democrats proposed a NEW government agency to promote tourism to the US and suggested they fund this agency by TAXING airline tickets TO this country. You see, the very funding mechanism acts in total contradiction to what the agency is slated to promote. This is also known as BEING A TEE-TOTAL FUCKING MORON. Guess which political party came up with this STELLAR proposal?

Okay, since it must be said every single day, Democrats are idiots. Always have been, always will be. It is in their charter.

Do you want a PRIME example of the unhinged lunacy that LEADS the leftist idiots?

Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. Watch this BATSHIT craziness.

Folks, THAT was the Top Dog in the US House of Representatives. The head person is an imbecile. She is not just of lesser intelligence than normal people, Nancy Pelosi is dangerously insanely stupid. Thirty years ago, Nancy would have been locked up to protect the public from her. Today? SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE.

Good Lord, INSANITY! Malkin hits a few high (low) points of Democrat stupidity.

What are some of the big stories in the mainstream news, today? Let's see, "healthcare," Anthropomorphic Global Warming, the economy.

What do we hear every stinking day from the national media? Well, that Democrats have great ideas. Regardless that we have an obvious moron at the HEAD of the movement from Democrats, history has PROVEN without any doubt that the Democrats are the wrong side of every issue. They are proven wrong by the actual attempts at using their political ideology. WRONG. THEY ARE WRONG. If there a single instance of anything that they promote ever being successful, there could at least be a doubt that they were RIGHT, but NEVER has there ever been an example of their ideas ever working. NEVER. They are wrong and their ideas have ALWAYS been wrong.

Sorry, it just stuns me. Normal people would drum these idiots out of office by storming the castle or something. Is it necessary for every single American to lose their job before someone finally steps up to say, "Duh, you might want to change direction a tad!"

What makes this doubly shocking is that the very folks that are on television day and night are actually promoting ideology that is losing viewers in record numbers. Do those talking heads not realize that if advertisers will no longer pay to advertise on their networks, then the talking heads cannot continue to rake in ridiculous jack? When Keith Olbermann is losing 47% of his viewers in the last six months, can MSNBC not stop him and go, "Keith, you suck and you are losing money for us hand over fist?" Is the left utterly suicidal or do they just hate all humans?

Here's a quick rundown:

In the month of January, new home sales were UNEXPECTEDLY down. Hey! They are at the lowest level since 1963, before I was BORN. UNEXPECTEDLY lower. Who does not expect this to continue to happen as long as every piece of legislation out of DC today has been proven 100% of the time to stifle growth in the past? UNEXPECTEDLY. FUCK YOU.

AGW scientists try to figure out why no WARMING is happening. The very reason that they cannot admit that they were WRONG is because they think that the taxpayer spigot shall be turned off. Come on! Y'all know that Democrats are in charge now and they are never going to do anything right. Just because you suck at your job, Mr. Scientist, should make you feel relieved. If you were good at your job, Democrats would NEVER reward you for that. History is a GREAT indicator of that, yo.

While the Barrystream Media was busy in DC sucking Obama's choad yesterday, the Democrat Congress made an all out effort to make it illegal to interrogate Muslim terrorists. Remember, the only thing that Democrats want to do is give LOSERS money that the Democrats take from successful people. Democrats certainly do not care anything about keeping United States citizens safe.

But, at the same time Democrats are trying to let terrorists go free, they also came to Congress and re-authorized The Patriot Act. Wonder why they changed their opinion completely on this? Could it possibly be because there is some way that Democrats have determined that they can stay in power, despite the will of the people, by some line in The Patriot Act? NAW! That is just too cynical to imagine.

More "healthcare." Can that re-authorization of TPA have anything to do with this about the embedded chips in babies? If we go only on the words of Democrats, The Patriot Act is about the federal government controlling the population. Then we have "healthcare" allegedly about protecting the population. Kinda weird, huh? Is there any correlation?

Here's something else about how much the Democrats lie, cheat, and steal. First they ridicule someone for having an idea that runs contrary to Democrat faith. Then they find a way to actually USE that idea to their own benefit and promote it to the hilt.

Yet another example of the BEST of the Democrat Party. When time after time, Democrats do the very same stuff, why do people continue to elect them? Why do people continue to support their policies? Could it be that people are getting their education from the failed ideologues of the left? Can there be any other explanation?

Here's some unhinged craziness from the Party of NO. Seriously, Republicans must be insane or something to act this freaking crazy, huh?

I am going back to bed and I plan on awakening after 2012.

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Trying something a little new to see how it works.

Gimme me some help here. If you got a bunch of money lying around just getting dirty, click through on this crap and see if there is anything you want.

Yes, this is yet another risky scheme to see what kinda traffic I drive and if it can make me some money. AND YOU LOVE SHOES!!!

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It is all about VOLUME.

On the day of Barry Nose-Picker Obama's turdsuckingfest stupidjabber of ruining medical services, this Pinnacle of Average has scored a direct hit.

We are OFFICIALLY number ONE! on "Universal Health Care Stupid."

As a reference, that leftwing shithole, Politico, is number three.

Plus, I am really curious to know if Barry's stupid Communist mother did not tell him to keep his fingers out of his nose when in public? I am also curious if everyone in Barry's immediate family is a moron like he is?

Good Lord, how did this no-talent hack imbecile get elected?

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It's GO TIME! on "Healthcare"

Well, today has finally gotten here so we can find out exactly what Barry Obama has planned for the destruction of our medical services. Of course, this "SUMMIT" is nothing more than still another opportunity for the Barrystream Media to jizz their skivvies over their Messiah, but those of us that reside in the real world kinda require a little more from the "Leader of the Free World."

Most of us knew long ago that Barry Obama was an idiot. Naturally, idiots in the national media do not see how stupid Barry is because those folks in the national media are idiots as well. And you know beyond any doubt that those jabbering imbeciles will talk about how great government control of medical services is going to be. LIKE THEY ALREADY DO.

Sorry, folks, I feel NO OUTRAGE at insurance companies because I have never used "insurance" to pay for normal doctor visits. Paying a shitpot of money for a policy that covers check-ups seems somewhat contrary to good financial ideology. You see, regular doctor visits do not cost that much. Treatment certainly does and specialized pharmaceuticals do as well, but I have taken one prescription in the last fifteen years and that little plastic bottle of medicine cost a WHOPPING fourteen bucks.

No, I do not care if medical costs are going up. Oddly, the very REASON they keep going up is because of government interference in markets, but that is never talked about. Government repairing a problem that government created? Sounds kinda like people getting pissed at the government when levees, built by government, failed around New Orleans. "Hey, I know you were the very problem, so why don't I let YOU have more control."

Fucking idiots.

Here is EXACTLY what is going to happen at this Moronfest. Anyone that thinks otherwise is seriously retarded.

If you want to know how to bring medical costs down, why not look toward the REMOVING government regulations and interference instead of INCREASING it? The only reason is because those government people are fully self-sustaining. They are concerned with one thing, friends, their own preservation. Why do you think that Congress is going to exempt all of the government folks from participation?

If you want to repair the damage caused by government, REMOVE government from the equation.

Here's a great economic manifesto. Ultimately isn't the thing that we want to accomplish is for everyone to get wealthy?

Competition and innovation. Those are what lowers cost of anything. Do you want to know why medical services are so costly like everyone says? Because currently there are ten gradillion different rules and regulations that stifle COMPETITION and INNOVATION. Why, lookie here! Someone wrote into the Clarion Ledger just today and pleads with folks to object to ANOTHER HOSPITAL in Madison County. This chick is a TEXTBOOK IDIOT.

You see, in Democrat Party run Mississippi, there exists an idiotic policy that forces hospitals to file a "Certificate of Need." They must prove that a hospital is NEEDED in an area, rather than the government getting the fuck out of the way and letting someone build a hospital anywhere they want to.

Check it: "Hey, you have the CHOICE between one hospital or two. Which do you think would be better for BUSINESS and QUALITY?" There is only one CORRECT answer, folks.

Check it: "Do you want to be included in the choosing of a mascot for your university?" There is only one CORRECT answer, folks.

In case examples of this particular kind of stupidity enrage you, you are missing the entire point. Think seriously for a moment, do you engage smart people or dumb people more often? If you said "smart people," chances are really good that you are a loner. You might want to get out and about a little more often.

I would say that the ratio is somewhere around 95%-5% Moron to Smart person. If my calcs are off, it is because I discounted the fact that some people have the good sense to keep their mouth shut and you cannot prove that they are stupid.

Further examples of how ridiculously stupid those folks that we sent to DC really are. No, you literally cannot make this stuff up.

Democrats proposed the creation of an agency to promote tourism in the United States. How do you think that they propose to fund this agency that wants INCREASED tourism? Through TAXING airline tickets coming to the United States. Um. Words escape me.

Do you know who actually keeps you from knowing exactly how retarded Democrats are? Democrat "journalists" that say AGW causes bigger trees except where AGW causes smaller trees. Do you find it ironic (or any other word that I am obviously too stupid to understand) that these same "journalists" refer to themselves as "The Intelligentsia?" Do any other words come to mind to call someone like this?

How do those media figures think that they can remain employed? Well, of course by getting government involved to REDUCE COMPETITION. They want to shut down the internet, talk radio, conservative publications, and keep all government meetings private. TRANSPARENCY!

While all this is happening, the UNIONS, allegedly the gangs that are formed to "protect" the American worker, are sending increasingly more dollars abroad. You know, because it is cheaper to do business outside of the economic system that the UNIONS destroyed. How in the world do you respond to things like this?

Not to completely ignore idiotic Republicans, I offer the awakening of Representative Sue Myrick (Retard-NC). It seems that Sue finally figured out that Muslims want to attack the United States. You know, normal people figured this out in the late 1970s when Muslims started attacking the United States. Democrats certainly do not have the monopoly on stupidity, even though it must appear that way.

In related "news," the college newspaper of Washington University in Saint Louis, STUDLIFE.COM, has an article to teach you how to give a TEXTBOOK blowjob. NO! REALLY! The website is the truth and the article is the truth, click the link! Read the comments, wonder how many WUSL students will find a jobby job after they do whatever passes for graduation at WUSL? Please keep in mind, this article was written by someone's DAUGHTER. (Hat-Tip: Gateway Pundit)

Oh, if you enjoyed "The Gentleman from Lickskillet" like I did, give them some encouragement.

And finally, Dennis Miller lurves him some Harry Reid....

Remember, daily, you must call out the "Progressives" and Democrats for what they are, IDIOTS. They are morons of Olympic caliber that shall always be regarded as such by people that are NOT retarded. Keep saying it to everyone that you speak to and meet. Everyone has to be informed on how stupid these lefties are.

Please take the time to comment.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dang, that did NOT take long.

I posted that blarq thingy around six o'clock today and already it is the NUMBER ONE! article on clarion ledger racist. There should be one BILLION hits for C-L racist because it has always been the rag of the Democrat Party and the Klan. Yes, Mississippi is STILL to this day overwhelmingly Democrat.

Just like the rest of the country. Three to one Democrat-Republican. And Democrats will never shed the racist label with me because I can remember more than fifteen minutes in the past.

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WTW II - Clarion Ledger and Ole Miss

The things that leap off the page at me are sometimes the most weird things that anyone can imagine. Sometimes those things that leap out at me seem to be second nature and make others appear to be ridiculously stupid. Obviously, that is ALWAYS the case when I pick up the Clarion Ledger, but you would think that college students would at least possess a marginal grasp of SOMETHING. ANYTHING.

Let's map out the lunacy that is Ole Miss. At the crux of the matter, that university is Mississippi's racist bastion to this day. Never will Ole Miss shrug off its racist label until they turn out the Democrats that attend, support, and drag down the university. Sorry, folks, you are part and parcel of the Klan. Until you throw out the Klan members, you are literally the Klan. Getting rid of Colonel Reb was NOT the first thing that you needed to do.

It was the lipstick on the pig, folks. You still have the very same corrupt racists running your university that you have always had. Granted, those same racists wear turtlenecks instead of string ties now, but they are still the same pig.

Anyhoo, Ole Miss had a little ballot thingy to determine whether to replace Colonel Reb with another mascot. The Clarion Ledger states:
The Ole Miss student body agreed, as nearly 75 percent supported a measure to include students in the search for a mascot. There were 3,366 total votes cast Tuesday, with 2,510 voting yes and 856 voting no.
Okay, thanks for admitting that over twenty-five percent (25%) of your student body is retarded.

Asks the university, "Students, do you want a voice in what the university does regarding a mascot?"

Twenty-five percent of the student body replies, while obviously sitting in the corner eating their own bodily waste, "Um, NO!"

See the rest of the article for more idiocy from the Clarion Ledger and the morons at Ole Miss.

If I may be so bold as to suggest a new mascot, you should try a VASE of PANSIES.

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Dude, Really? Y'all Got to be FREAKING Kidding Me.

Daily, I wake up thinking that this government, built by really stupid people, was a bad dream. Daily, I am stunned when I realize that was only wishful thinking on my part. How was it possible that this country elected the idiots in charge of the Congress right now, much less Barry Obama? I have to come to the conclusion that we allowed the idiots to take over our school system and indoctrinate our children with the lies of "Social Justice."

Seriously, when I first started researching Blackuary, it became apparent that in order to give credence to the ridiculous thought of removing a segment of our history from the timeline, we had to "Progressivize" our history. Now, those "FACTS" have been used to further remove our kids from the Truth Realm. No, it is not solely the fault of Gerald Ford making February into this travesty, it is the whole mentality behind the ideology of having to soften the image of the greatest country in the history of the world.

If you do not believe that the United States of America is the greatest country to ever exist, I cannot help you understand how stupid you are. The fact that you want to blame a country that promotes individuality (or at least it used to) for your personal failings tells me that you are seriously beyond help. You failed because YOU did not take responsibility for your own success, you tried the milquetoast way out. By blaming other people for your own suckitude. THAT. IS. YOUR. FAULT.

Since I have abstained from participating in Blackuary this year, I decided to post something that needs to be sent around the entire webbynet. Does it shock anyone that there are Barrystream Media outlets that are producing and airing agitprop directly promoted by the race hustlers and black supremacists? It shouldn't. In order to move their ideology into the mainstream, they simply must try to change history. Remember Dan Rather's memo on George W. Bush not performing his duties in the military? That proved to be 100% false, and Dan Rather knew it, but read that story on his comedy show anyway. Luckily, Red Dan was busted and lost his job. I wish that the networks had done that back in the late 1960s when Walter Cronkite was doing the same thing, but alas, we cannot CHANGE HISTORY, can we Winston?

We let them take control of the information flow, instead.

I am not going to delve into a rehashing of all the utter falsehoods that we hear during Black History Month, but one certain LIE has a huge tendency to keep coming up. The Tuskegee Experiment keeps coming up over and over again, yet most of what is said about it is FALSE. CNN produced a piece and aired it on Valentines Day called "Black in America" which did much to keep this old falsehood alive.

We also hear much about Dr. Martin Luther King talking about "not the color of skin, but content of character." That is the most used line to justify the utter trashing of our nation in the attempt to right wrongs perpetrated by the Democrat Party since the beginning of their party. Instead of simply STOMPING out the Democrat Party, we continue to allow them to continually mess up everything in our country to the point of utter failure. Make no mistake, the Democrats are the party of sheer, tee-total, and utter failure. They always have been.

You can rattle off the list of everything that the Moron Party has done to stifle growth and success in this country, yet the jabbering heads still point to these things as "successes." A "quick" rundown of all the bad policy that Democrats have promoted would run into the next millennium.

Not only do the Democrats try to shove stuff down the memory hole or simply make things up, they are seriously trying to beg, borrow, and steal their way into your bank account. Since this country was founded on the very premise of "hard work equals success," why do you think that Democrats are diametrically opposed to hard work? Could it be because thinking people would never vote for them and their failed ideology? Make no mistake, if you vote for a Democrat, you are an idiot. Make no mistake, if someone was NOT an idiot, they would not run as a Democrat. Why would anyone want to be associated with the party of perpetual racism and hatred?

Can anyone tell me why the Democrat Party would seek to ultimately destroy citizens exercising their First Amendment rights, guaranteed by OUR CONSTITUTION, and never try to ARREST or KILL those folks that screech loudly their hatred for this country? Do you want to know why? Because Democrats are those that utterly and completely believe in the power of totalitarianism. They have ALWAYS been allied with those folks that seek to enslave their populations and destroy freedom. ALWAYS. Party of the Little Guy? Puh-leeeze. Democrats are the party of the plantation owner. Just look at how they keep those on the plantation and if anyone strays, those folks are quickly beaten back in line.

Do you know how they beat those folks in line? They confiscate the only thing that offers ANYONE freedom, personal property. Have you ever taken a look at what passes for government housing these days? Yes, the sharecroppers shacks are much nicer, but make no mistake, that is exactly what they are, shacks. I know people that have never lived in anything other than government subsidized housing for their entire lives. What does that make those people?

And what does the Democrat run government want to do to corral the old people back onto the plantation? Take from those folks the money that those folks have saved for those folks' entire lives to make those folks' retirement more comfortable. Can you think of anything more hideous that actually STEALING FROM OLD PEOPLE? This is exactly how the Obama Administration intends to keep those poor, old people on the plantation. Of course, you can bet that the Democrats will exempt themselves from this 100% taxation. Of course, if you watch the investments that Democrats make in the coming months, you shall know which vehicles are going to be exempted. You see, Democrats are utterly and completely drunk on power. They do not care one bit about you, your family, or anyone other than themselves. Of course, everyone (that is normal) would recoil in horror to see what really goes on in the mind of a Democrat, but there are so many other Democrats covering up for the Chiefs.

And to further steal from the old people, the Democrats are trying to make sure that you die sooner. First, take all of your wealth, then KILL you. That's the Democrat plan. Are you going to stand for them coming for your MOM?!?!?!

As always, the Democrats have to lie about anyone that disagrees with killing your mom. The weekly meme, THIS WEEK, is that the Republican Plan for Medical Services has not been published or put online. Of course, the lying Democrats failed to check in on their very own government paid-for website for that information. And of course, the national media that is bought and paid for by the Democrat Party is going to continue to push that meme until the cows come home. Dan Rather, anyone?

Please try to ignore that the "plan" pushed by the current Barry White House is so FUBAR that it defies all logic and reason. When every single entity that has access to your "plan" says that A) it will NOT increase quality, and B) it WILL increase costs exponentially, you might want to punch yourself in the nads for being so sandpoundingly stupid, you moron. What kind of sheer stupidity would ever push such an idea? Oh yeah, Democrats, because they ONLY know how to make things worse.

Funny that with every single media outlet pushing the lunacy of the Democrat Party as being good for the country, Congressional Approval is at a historical low. It seems that an overwhelming majority of people are NOT as stupid as "journalists." Of course, government employees ARE.

Just wondering, when you have an agency called "The Department of Homeland Security" you would think that they would have a building that was at a minimum SECURE. But, according to reports, they have lost ONE THOUSAND COMPUTERS in one year. This makes me wonder exactly how many computers that one must have in order to NOT realize that ONE THOUSAND are missing. And it also makes me wonder exactly how secure my medical records would be with the federal government keeping tabs on them if they LOST 1000 computers in a year. Have you ever seen such incompetence? And why would you want to give them MORE power?

Normal people know that "Leftists" HAVE to be morons in order to believe much of they purport to believe. And not only that, Democrats CHOOSE to be stupid.

When you couple a stupidity never known before in history, with the sheer corruption of the Democrat Party, what do you get? ACORN. Does anyone else wonder how we "elected" a president that originates from this radical criminal enterprise?

When your movement's figurehead is someone too stupid to work for ESPN, your movement is doomed to the ash heap. Let's help them get there post haste.

I have no clue how I actually read this stuff daily without going stark-raving insane, but do insane people really know they are insane?

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WTW - Snowday

About a week and a half ago, we had what amounts to a blizzard in Mississippi. This is how real men celebrated the days off.

(Yes, this is a friend of mine from high school.)

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Linkdump With the New Features - Maybe

Since I posted all of those thingies that The Blogger does now, I figured that I might at least try some of those features.  Well at least one anyway, the expandable thingy.  Plus, the new editor is all shiny and shit!

Click the post title to see below the FOLD! (And it shows up expanded on The Google Reader!)

Twisting Al Gore's Invention To Fit My Worldview

With our good buddy Basil (the spammer) returning to Blogger, I decided to go back and add some links to Blogger Buzz posts that tell you about some features that are handy-dandy. No, I don't use most of them because my main thing is getting my page to load at lightening speed. When you publish nothing but crap, it helps if it loads really, really fast. I try to make this blog like pointing a crap firehose at your brain teacup.

Let's look at some features from Blogger that cost you NOTHING!!!

Basil already covered the Pages feature, but here it is again. You can create up to ten different pages. FOR FREE!!!

If you are into getting ch-ch-ch-change for your writing, Blogger also lets you integrate with Amazon Affiliates. Of course, I have this option added because I am raking in the DUST with this Monument to Mediocrity!

I have a few friends that are aspiring writers that are actually using their blogs to accumulate write-y things for future publication. Blogger does this for NOT free!!!

An East Tejas goober needs this because he needs it. You can actually make "Expand This Post" thingies with Blogger. FOR FREE!!!

And since most everyone that reads this Mediblog-rity through a reader (because no one wants to have this site show up in their interblarqs history), you can also send my shitty posts to all of your social networking sites through Google Reader, FOR FREE!!! All of your future enemies shall be so pleased!

And finally for you HIGHLY ADVANCED users of Teh Google, you know who you are, Sidewiki kicks ASS!!!

I certainly hope this little experiment has helped you to distribute my blog all over the world. I once had a visitor on this site all the way from Tennessee! Beat that accomplishment, YOU.

Oh yeah, I have started "Sharing" stuff in my Teh Google Reader again. If you want to see the stuff that I liked, but did not link because it did not fit the daily post meme, look under "ABOUT ME AND THE BLOG." See if you can guess which link the "SHARED" stuff is..... (UPDATE October 16, 2010: I shifted this feature to a menu right below the header.)

Please take the time to comment.

Oh, and here is the "Official" Google blog. As if.....

Monday, February 22, 2010

Who's Throwing Paper?

It has never been difficult to deconstruct the argument from the morons on the left, but dang, lately it has become so easy as to be laughable. While devouring a cold breakfast burrito from Whataburger this morning, I read the Op-Ed page of the Clarion-Ledger. One of the resident moonbat idiots from the C-L's blogs, Vickie Hartley, published a ridiculous bit of agitprop (linking the Politico) on her unread blog and the C-L put it in today's rag.

The fact that the paper has rapidly been hemorrhaging readers and advertisers shall never let them stop the far, far left support of forever failed policy. Folks, that is the nature of the typical media. And such has been the case for my entire lifetime. Remember, according to Walter Cronkite, we LOST the Tet Offensive. I still remember my grandfather losing his shit over Walter's love of Communism.

Anyhoo, back to the local idiot. "vickijean," as she calls herself on the C-L blog, points out that the top Senate and House earmarkers are Republican. Let's think for a second on this. Both sides of the Congress are controlled by Democrats and have been since January 2007. Wonder which political party has infinitely greater tax dollars going home in the form of earmarks? Well, you would be right, DEMOCRATS. Just because the top money thieves in both sides of Congress are Republicans, doesn't mean that Republicans are stealing the most money, huh? What vickijean has effectively done is establish what is known as a STRAWMAN argument. In case you are not proficient in using the dictionary, a strawman is a weak or sham argument set up to be easily refuted. Of course, that is the only kind of argument that the Left can make. Their policies and ideology are so hideously wrong that you cannot even debate the issues with them. You can only smack them around while performing some truly difficult task that actually occupies your mind, because debating a leftist certainly does not.

Guess what vickijean does for a living? Yes, she is an "EDUCATOR." Which means that she is highly overpaid for very little production. Oh, she "teaches" at Delta State University, you might want to pull your kids out of that school, you know since their "EDUCATOR" can only produce strawman arguments. Obviously, the hiring standards are lower at Delta State than they are at Millsaps. All you have to do to understand why our school system is failing is to actually attempt a conversation with someone that works in our school system. That task is torturous these days, pretty much all the good teachers left public school years ago, only the idiots remain now.

To fully understand the political philosophy pushed by our "EDUCATORS," one only has to look at the corruption and graft at the top of the shit pile. Our president is violating federal election law by attempting to bribe his party members. If there was anyone on Planet Earth that did not know Barry Obama was a Chicago Democrat, then they should not be allowed to vote. Seriously, we have an utterly uneducated voting populace. And it is the fault of people like our public school educators.

Also, in related news, since we are talking about the corruptocrats on the left, Rajendra Pachauri, the unfrozen caveman at the heart of the Kill All Humans for the Planet debate, kinda has a bit of a contradiction going on at his home GOLF COURSE. This dude makes Al Gore, and Gore's wasteful lifestyle, look like small potatoes. 300,000 thousand gallons of water a day, in an area that has limited water resources. Hmmmmm. Weird.

If you really want to cut to the chase and SEE what the folks on the left think of you, just check this out. In typical leftist fashion, they dissolve the debate down to the essential, "You are just stupid" point. Please ignore the fact that the left's whole philosophy has been proven wrong every single time it is tried. There is NO COUNTRY that follows leftist doctrine that survives. Never in history has it happened, but YOU, dear reader, YOU are the dumb one.

What about the left's grasp of SCIENCE? Please keep in mind that to this day, they "believe" in Anthropomorphic Global Warming. But, oddly enough, every single piece of "data" they have used to prove their religion, has sadly been debunked. Those rising sea levels? They are only the last piece of "evidence" that has been overturned. o, let's check in on their track record. Temperatures? Falling. Increased hurricane activity? Hasn't happened. Snow never to fall in DC again? Trudging through record accumulation RIGHT NOW. And finally, rising sea levels? Not happening. Normal people, NOT YOUR STUPID CONSERVATIVES, would see this as even further proof of AGW actually happening. Dang, you are just so stupid.

And now, finally, the Democrats come to the table with the most bloated "healthcare" bill in history. Despite the FACT that this bill will do nothing to make any of our medical services better (even the OMB says that it shall increase costs and reduce care), despite the FACT that the overwhelming majority of citizens do not want this bill, despite the FACT that Democrats are abandoning the sinking ship with the intention of keeping their taxpayer funded special exemptions, the Democrats are poised to ram this thing down our throats. Keep telling yourself that those Democrats are EXEMPTED from participation in this program. They made sure they were keeping their medical services just the way that they are and retiring or not running for office keeps those benefits in place until the end of time.

I think that Red sums it up nicely by saying, "I am thoroughly sick of the word 'community'." I agree, the community can thoroughly kiss my ass.

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Definitive Word on Tiger Woods

The national media meme on Tiger is that he is a Buddhist. Obviously the national media knows nothing about Buddhism, because one of the major main most tenets is that sex is a derivative of lust which is FORBIDDEN. In other words, Tiger? Not Buddhist or either he sucks at it.

That said, he is a great golfer and if anyone looks to him as anything other than a great golfer, well, I feel sorry for you. Maybe golf is the only thing at which he excels because he sucks at marriage and personal commitment to family. I mean really, how hard is it to keep your dick in your pants when you are in a committed relationship?

Oh, and Tiger, shut the fuck up.

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Friday, February 19, 2010

And the Forks Continue......

On the front page of the Clarion-Ledger yesterday, there was an article about some Senior in high school with a baby. He was talking about having never heard about the proper usage of condoms in school. I do not know this kid, I do not know his parents or his teacher, but I cannot BELIEVE that he did not receive instruction on Jimmy Hat usage in public school unless he missed 90% of his school days.

I would link the article, BUT! The Clarion-Ledger has decided to accelerate the demise of their paper.

This article started me thinking about what I learned in school. We had a class called "Health" almost every year that I was in elementary and junior high school. I do not remember what the Hell we took in high school because I was drunk all the time. Yet, I think back to that "Health" class and recall vividly learning the proper names and functions of the various reproductive organs and the things necessary to produce offspring. I remember it like it was yesterday, plus my moron kid and I actually had conversations about that very thing. You see, my kid did not have a "Health" class in public school, but in fourth grade, they started teaching him about SCREWING. Yes, that is when he got sent to private school. There is a post on this mediocre blog about that day, too.

You see, the classroom is NOT the place to teach children about SCREWING. I am sorry if some parents cannot or will not have that conversation with their kids, but teaching normal kids about sex kinda runs contrary to MOLESTATION LAWS. When an adult, other than YOU talks to YOUR kid about SCREWING, there is something dreadfully wrong. In my opinion, every school teacher that does it should be put on the SEX CRIMES list and mapped until the end of time. You know, since I am NOT crazy.

For your information, HERE's the Google News search for "teachers and sex crimes." It says that there 385 RECENT articles, however, I clicked the 10th page and expanded to over 30 subsequent pages. Try the search yourself. The actual Google Search page returns over one millions hits for the same search. In case you were unaware, the profession that leads ALL OTHERS in the percentage of sex crimes with minors is that of public school teachers.

To add to the demise of national and local media, they threw an absolute shit-fit over a couple of Catholic priests and their bishops that were covering up sex crimes with minors. Weird that the media would go to the mat over that and ignore the overwhelmingly higher percentage in AVERAGE citizens v. priests and the monumental disparity between public school teachers v. priests. It is ALMOST like media folks have an agenda or something.

Anyhoo, Senior in high school boy did not even mention that he should have kept his joint in his dungarees, he just talked about not being taught how to screw without consequences. Senior in high school, you have a RUDE awakening looming on your horizon. There are consequences for EVERY act that you undertake in your lifetime. Since you only want hot teenage sex with no consequences, I anticipate a long, painful life for you, son.

In further WRONGNESS news, the Clarion-Ledger talks budget yet again. Of course they lament the fact that Governor Haley Barbour has cut a single dollar from the public school system. Oddly, they are not too disappointed that the Governor also forced cuts in corrections. The thing that gets me is that the C-L is all up in arms that the governor is cutting funds to a horrendously failing institution, schools, and they are okay with him cutting from a successful one, JAILS. Luckily, the Democrats in the state house passed a budget that does exactly what the Clarion-Ledger wants, but Barbour has guaranteed that he would VETO it. I wish that Haley had gotten a little closer to George W. Bush a few years ago, maybe we would not have the idiot Democrat US Congress now if Bush had been a little tighter with the cash.

The final Clarion-Ledger story is about racial profiling in farm loans. Of course, with a President that is almost half-black and an idiot Congress running the show, there is a very good chance that they shall give money based solely on race. Let's simply ignore the fact that subsidizing farms is like one of the dumbest things that could possibly happen. Government subsidy of anything always results in the worst possible outcome. With government money, comes government regulation. You know like forcing farmers to grow corn to fuel automobiles. FARM FAIL.

As a response to the Clarion-Ledger's resident idiot, David Hampton, calling for tax increases every Sunday, I offer the true solution to all that hampers the country. End all government outlays. Including the military. End them totally and start completely over with a mandatory reading of our Constitution. If there are questions regarding the tenets of that august document, get Scalia to explain it in words easy for Democrats to understand. By that, I mean obviously in grunts or at least just one syllable words.

As a point of reference, currently we spend over 340 billion dollars a year in this country to educate, house, clothe, incarcerate, and give medical services to ILLEGAL aliens. Take a second to reflect on that. We spent 340 BILLION a year on people that are not even supposed to be here. That is ELEVEN TIMES the annual state budget of Mississippi. Last year, Mississippi had a budget of twenty-nine point eight BILLION dollars ($29,000,000,000.00). That 340 billion is OVER THREE TIMES the yearly budget of California.

Put it in perspective, please.

Since you probably went to public school, today in 1942, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt ordered ALL United States citizens of Japanese descent to PRISON. Today, we shelter ILLEGAL ALIENS from incarceration, well at least until they RAPE YOUR MINOR daughter. WTF?!?!?!?!

You see, liberalism or "Progressivism" or stupidity, whatever you want to call it, has poisoned the intellect of this country. We have people afraid to call a spade a spade. Words have value, folks.

The idiot mentality of the left has led to things like trying to charge a Mayor with a federal HATE CRIME for merely uttering the word "Christian" in a public setting. SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?! You have GOT to be fucking kidding me. (Hat-Tip: Kathy Shaidle)

Check it:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Now, how in the absolute mortal Heaven could Congress pass a single law telling ANYONE in the country that they cannot say something about their religiosity? I mean, we cannot even lock up everyone that practices Islam, how in the Hell could we charge someone with a crime for saying something about Christianity? Oh, wait, it is the Muslims that are screeching about the mayor's words. And they are the sole unwritten exception to the "shall make no law..."

You know, unwritten in the Constitution is pretty much all we follow these days. Right to privacy to kill your children, right to making an established wage, right to FREE! medical services, a house, a car, a big screen television, to food, clothing...seriously, the list is endless what wonderful rights we have now. We even have a right to get government handouts for being black while farming.


But, at least there are plenty of photos of the Holocaust Memorial in Germany on the internet.

If anyone can tell me how the human species can survive liberalism or "Preogressivism," drop me a line.

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Drive-By Blogging - Still Another Linky Thingy

I have been busy as all-get-out today after sleeping half the day away. Sorry, here's some news.

Joe FREAKING Biden unleashes his big, ol' brain to explain the concepts of military tribunals to new Dumbassachusetts Senator Scott Brown. The very same Scott Brown who has been in the military for over thirty years and is the top military defense attorney in New England. Way to go, Joe! I did notice that Scott Brown kinda messed with Joe after Joe opened his cakehole. Oddly, Brown did not call Biden a "moron."

How do you get rid of deadbeat teachers that care nothing about their jobs? FIRE THEM. The ridiculous parts are that teachers no longer eat with students and are paid generally twice median income. No, teachers are NOT underpaid, quite the opposite given the state of public education these days.

This only brings the mind the question, why is thirty-five percent of the population so fucking stupid? Check out the caption on the photo. Priceless.

In case you did not know, the Obamas are fucking stupid. This statement has nothing to do with the books that Premier Moron Michelle Obama puts in the White House library.

Tammy Nguyen appears to be about twelve times smarter than the First Lady. That is NOT a compliment.

OH! Here are the thirty-five percent of the country that are brain dead. If you think that Obama's hideous "stimulus bill" has done anything good, you are stupid.

Hey, Lookie here! It is like the Clinton White House all over again! But worse! Can someone please tell me what kind of idiot would vote for a Democrat? Do you have to be suicidal to vote Democrat or is it just mental illness?

The Mount Vernon Statement from the TEA Party.

If you want to see utter ridiculous shitdouchery about the TEA Parties, read this. This imbecile ties the TEA Party movement to Dr. Amy Bishop. You know Bishop, THE SOCIALIST? Fuck me running. Oh, here's Dr. Bishop's REAL home page, not the college one that Basil linked. (You know, I might have linked the wrong Basil post. Who cares?

Finally someone other than me attacks the stupidity of minimum wage laws, yet this stimulus idea is brilliant. Someone seems to think that the Republican Party started as a Tea Party movement.

Oh, some out of work engineer attacked the IRS Building in Austin today. Of course, this guy is getting tied to the "Conservative Movement," too. Oddly, he was a fan of Communism and universal "healthcare." You know, two HUGE points continually made in conservative circles. Seriously, you cannot make this shit up.


And if you cannot get over the awesomeness of DINOSHARK! watch this. I guarantee your facial expression shall change.

I cannot wait for the Academy Awards, DINOSHARK! simply has to win best picture. Has to.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

And A New Day Dawns

I have been looking forward to today for a little over twenty years. It got here, it took its toll, and it has almost passed. What a freaking relief.

My moron kid is gone for good. I seriously could not be happier and there is no pining for him. But, the mistakes that I made parenting were glaringly evident today. I sheltered the kid too much. Without my instruction, that boy could not have figured out how to get on a damned plane. Yeah, I made huge mistakes and I see it all too clearly now.

Right now I envision a future for him of his superiors screaming directly into his face stuff like, "Good Lord, Mitchell, I do believe that you are retarded!" And I saw it first hand today. I am so ashamed.

This leads nicely into the mindset that consumes me. I must control everything that I touch. I am overbearing, too demanding of myself and others, too aggressive, and I like it that way. However, I have a tendency to crush those that I care about with the rigidity. I know it, but there is little I can do to stop that other than warn everyone that gets close to me. "Hey buddy, wear a cup, mmmmkay?"

I am pretty sure that my attitude and demeanor is why I push back so hard against the oppression that comes from the federal, state, and local governments. I simply do NOT want them telling me what to do. And when they do, I try to do the exact opposite. When you couple this mentality of mine with the fact that we have the very least that we have ever had running the show, we got some danged trouble.

I mean really, what kind of special idiot thinks that taking money from the people that earn it, then filtering it through a bureaucracy known for corruption and incompetence, then giving the spoils to people that do not work or produce a damned thing, is a FRIKKIN' GOOD IDEA? Seriously, we elected these buffoons? (Hat Tip: Classicaliberal)

Happy Anniversary Stimulus!

If you watched that, you saw that there was nearly one hundred pounds of bullshit in a five pound sack. To go through it line by line would take a lifetime. Since the "Stimulus Bill" inched over the EIGHT HUNDRED BILLION DOLLAR mark, here's what we have; a net loss of three million jobs, unemployment at nearly TWENTY PERCENT (not 10%, because there are people that have exhausted their unemployment), increasing gasoline costs, a wildly unstable dollar, the Japanese and Chinese vying for top US creditor, Joe FREAKING Biden opening his cakehole to let the lunacy out, and the list goes on and on and on. The transparency comment (rushed through, little debate) or the no earmarks statement (nearly 1000) are especially laughable. Folks, Barry Obama is a lying sack of shit BUFFOON. Never in the history of our great REPUBLIC (the United States is NOT a democracy) have we ever elected someone that is as astoundingly moronic as this dude. He gives imbeciles a bad reputation.

"The dog, so far, at least, hasn't barked." This must come from the very same tattered old cliche handbook as that old saw, "Wee-weed up."

The Mayor has Green Shoots and Leaves.

So what do we do to correct the overwhelming mistake of electing still more Democrats and their hideously WRONG ideology? Well, of course we have to vote them out at every chance and elect responsible representatives that do not want to rob us blind. We elect people that have the good sense that G_d gave a dog at least.

In Mississippi, the very first state to operate in the black, back when Captain Kirk was governor and we still had a Democrat State House (which we still do), we cut the ever loving crap out of spending. We did NOT raise taxes, we slashed government programs, while still adding JOBS. Our welfare rolls were cut in an all out effort to get things under control after four years of Ray Mabus. In a BIZARRE turn of events, Moron Ray is now my kid's head honcho as Secretary of the Navy. Yes, Ray served in the Navy for a fleeting moment from 1971-1972. What is that? A whole friggin' year? Now, a man that was too unqualified to lead the poorest state in the nation, and has never accomplished a danged thing, is my kid's boss. Ah, the irony.

Look, the current government is totally incompetent. You cannot dispute this with anything even remotely associated with facts, but that is always the case when you elect Democrats. You get LOSERS.

These people do not even possess a marginal skill that would allow them to come up with any idea that did not include taking money from people that earned it and giving it to people that didn't. David Hampton, the Op-Ed editor of the Clarion-Ledger, has now called for increasing taxes on people that are employed for eleven straight weeks. How much is enough, sir?

Well, we probably need to break open the piggy bank because we, in the occupied territories of Mississippi, just took on another TOWN to raise. The fun part about Okolona being decimated is that Democrats are 100% to blame for Okolona's ruined economy. Democrats with their minimum wage laws and their NON-PRODUCING unions destroyed the domestic furniture business and in the process, destroyed Okolona. That is ALWAYS the case when Democrats are elected. ALWAYS, it is without fail, too. Weird, huh? As an aside, I wonder why the teachers unions could not pay for running this failing school district instead of financing a murderous regime in Zimbabwe. What can you even say to that?

Can someone puh-leeze point me to a single reason why the Democrat Party is not dead and buried one hundred times over? It is just terribly difficult for me to understand that there could exist a single person that would speak to a Democrat, much less vote for one. Can we take a quick look back at the last time that we had a Democrat President and a Democrat Congress? It only took two years to throw Congress out on its ass, of course, we re-elected Bill Clinton like idiots. Now, his moron wife is Secretary of State. That fucking idiot is the outside sales staf for the United States of America! And she hates our country!

But the time before Clinton, when we had Jimmuh Carter, we kept the Democrat Congress and got into such a mess that it took almost ten years of Republican executive experience to dig us out. Jimmuh also let Muslim terrorism explode.

Weird, this new stuff, with the students rioting in the streets of Iran, does not give me the same heebie-jeebies as when Jimmuh was in office. But, oddly, Jimmuh's incompetence and political correctness (the religion of Democrats) wound up giving us a TSA that makes cripple kids take off their leg braces to board a plane. The CHILD was FOUR YEARS OLD!!! That is the mentality of a Democrat. Do NOT insult someone that will saw your friggin' head off, better get the little child instead.

How do they top making small children remove MEDICAL items that help them function? Well, they remove the very thing from that child's life that allows him to actually live. The Democrats have undertaken the ruining of our medical services. Instead of taking the Democrats at face value and checking out their data from the WHO, a United Nations study, lets offer a good idea that will put a hold on bad Democrat ideology. There are a myriad of different plans that just might do something to save individuals money. The Democrats' plan is NOT one of those. There has been no accounting study of the proposed plan that has said it would decrease costs or increase quality. Every study has said that the plan would INCREASE costs and DECREASE quality. What kind of idiot would want that? Barry Obama, Joe FREAKING Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the rest of the Democrats that will EXCLUDE themselves for participation. Wait?!?!?! They are going to exclude themselves from participation? Yeppers, that is the plan, y'all.

Do you want a final kick in the head on "healthcare?" The study done by the WHO, which is a body that has a sole purpose of government run medical services, uses data compiled by the United Nations. If my memory is correct, there is another moonbat "science" debate going on right now involving the United Nations.

Anthropomorphic Global Warming has been in the forefront of everyone's mind for years. The primary study was produced by "scientists" hand-picked by the United Nations. Do you want a little tidbit of what passes for "science" if you are a leftist?

How about AGW causes less AND more fog on San Francisco Bay? A allegedly natural occurrence causes diametrically opposing things? WOW! That is more amazing than Howie Mandel with a surgical glove!

Seriously, what happened to the sane people on this planet and how do I get to where they are hiding? And leave us alone, we are armed to the teeth.

Please take the time to comment.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Day in the Life

It is not difficult to figure out where my loathing of government services stems. This just happened a minute ago.

Me: (listening to the ringing for an extended time.)

Her: City of Jackson Permit Department?

Me: I have a couple of code questions I need answered.

Her: Hold for a moment.

Me: Thank you.

Phone: Minute upon minute of hold music performed by a three year old with a wooden spoon upon the bottom of a metal pot......

Me: (hang up.)

Me: (listening to the ringing for an extended time.)

Her: City of Jackson Permit Department?

Me: Yes, I just called to ask a couple of code questions and was put on hold for an extended amount of time.

Her: Yes, I am sorry, sir, I was with a CUSTOMER.

Me: Help me out here, what exactly am I to you?

Her: ......

Me: I'm just kidding. May I speak with a code official?

Her: They have all gone to lunch, sir.

Me: Wow, I should have hung up at 11:00 and called right back. Being on hold for so long gave them all time to go to lunch, huh?

Her: ......

Me: ......

Her: Can I help you sir?

Me: When I call back to talk to a code official next time can you not put me on hold for twenty minutes?

Her: (Click.)

Please take the time to comment.

Sure, That's Cool. Go Fer It.

If there is one thing that I am consistently aware of, it is the fact that people have a tendency to KILL you if they cannot make you shut up. Take a few minutes to draw a cartoon of Mooolhammet raping his nine year old wife and see if you do not immediately receive death threats from the Religion of Peace. In case you are unaware, Islam is the ONLY religion that is acceptable to the "Progressives." Odd that they would only accept a religion based on KILLING your enemies, huh? That just seems so very strange.


It becomes increasingly harder to deal with someone that refuses to learn mathematics, science, or history. Theirs is the philosophy of muscle. Admit it, you have never seen a "Progressive" ever use anything remotely related to FACTS to argue. Yet their only method of debate is to screw an emotional issue around to make it APPEAR that you are an uncaring and unfeeling MONSTER. Debate is impossible for a "Progressive." Emotion is fine, intelligence should never be used.

Sidebar, this was in the Clarion Ledger on Sunday. This is the typical college professor and she teaches FINANCE!!! It is a conundrum and a paradox all in ONE!!! If you pay for your kid to go to Mississippi College, methinks that your money is being wasted. I could literally type 500 paragraphs giving reason after reason why this person is dangerous to the planet. i could give this doofus a barrel of "Tough Talk."

Proof of the violence coming? Sure, the U of A college professor simply killed the people that she could not convince to give her lifetime employment. PROBLEM SOLVED. Funny thing about who she chose to kill, though. Was it RACISM?!?!?!?!

I thought that "Progressives" were the only enlightened folks that did all they could to defend minorities? Why is there a H-U-G-E contradiction here? Well, it is because they do not give one single shit about minorities, they have to play the emotion card to make it appear they care about something to make you FEEL that you don't. That is the very same thing that they do with animal cruelty laws and other such drivel. Yeah, the one thing that is missing to make this country a perfect place is to make it illegal to shoot a dog that is attacking you and you know that is exactly where these laws shall lead. Here's more craziness about basically giving animals individual rights. The letter writer is so very, very caring, huh? Equality for GOATS seems so compassionate.

I actually read an article today about a man in Britain that was arrested for putting his own dog down when the dog became too aggressive to keep. This shall always be the case with laws and the unintended consequences of trying to legislate to "protect" those "less fortunate" than us. Dogs are NOT human, folks. If I was starving to death or my family was starving to death, I would zipper open a dog to roast on the spit and never have one problem with it, either. Try to stop me.

In the very same vein, "Progressives" scream for abortion on demand for any reason under the moon. So, they would rather protect a dog over an unborn child. Where is the VALUE? Where is the importance? It doesn't exist and still the "Progressive" screeches about keeping your hands offa my body!!! The Timbow Super Bowl ad PROVED the "Progressive" ideology was a lie. But, but, but you want to keep me from killing a dog that is attacking my children? Hmmmm. I am just not stupid enough to understand your point.

In further explaining exactly what the "Progressive" advocates, one only has to look to the AGW debate. The supreme moron, Al Gore, actually screeched that the science was settled! DO NOT QUESTION HIM! Funny that all of the data that has pointed toward Al's money tree being the case, has been proven false, yet the leftists STILL say it is happening. The only thing to which they can point is that AGW non-believers must not care about the planet. That is not the case at all. We care about the planet more than the left could ever conceive simply because those on the left are idiots. They think that killing people by starvation is great because it allegedly saves the planet. Ignore the fact that once all humans are dead, there is no need for the planet. WAIT! Maybe dogs will run things then, huh?

Anyhoo, the reason for this post was to tell you that if you are not an idiot (meaning you are not a Democrat) you might want to be prepared for the push for the "Progressive" Final Solution, ATTACK. PHYSICALLY. You know, words have meaning and I actually take people at their word when they are threatening violence.

Just keep in mind, Charles Bronson's character in Death Wish was an architect.

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